Article 6Q5A9 'I didn't have kids': Pete Buttigieg aims attack at Trump’s running mate JD Vance – video

'I didn't have kids': Pete Buttigieg aims attack at Trump’s running mate JD Vance – video

Guardian Staff
from US news | The Guardian on (#6Q5A9)

Pete Buttigieg, the US transportation secretary under Joe Biden - who is widely seen as having presidential ambitions - tore into JD Vance for saying childless people have no stake in their country, on the third day of the Democratic national convention. 'You know, senator, when I deployed to Afghanistan, I didn't have kids,' Buttigieg said. 'Then, many of the men and women who tied the wire with me didn't have kids either, but let me tell you, our commitment to the future of this country was pretty damn physical'

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