Article 6Q5GK Release of ex-US detective child molester puts kids at risk, says victim

Release of ex-US detective child molester puts kids at risk, says victim

Ramon Antonio Vargas in New Orleans
from US news | The Guardian on (#6Q5GK)

Stanley Burkhardt, who investigated child abuse cases and acknowledged preying on minors, recently released

The president of a child sexual molestation survivors' advocacy organization says children have been left at risk" after his abuser, Stanley Burkhardt, was recently released from a federal halfway house with relatively few limits on his movements.

Burkhardt is a former Louisiana detective who has acknowledged preying on minors and has been investigated in connection with a series of murders. Richard Windmann said the latest opportunity at comparative freedom granted to Burkhardt - who previously investigated child abuse cases for the New Orleans police department - is abhorrent" and a repeated injury to his victims".

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