Article 6Q5K2 Florida woman pleads guilty in death of man she injured in 1984 when he was a baby

Florida woman pleads guilty in death of man she injured in 1984 when he was a baby

Associated Press
from US news | The Guardian on (#6Q5K2)

Benjamin Dowling died in 2019 from injuries suffered when Terry McKirchy was babysitting him 40 years ago

A former babysitter pleaded guilty to manslaughter on Wednesday for the 2019 death of a man she was accused of disabling as an infant 40 years ago and was sentenced to three years in prison, finally admitting that she hit him numerous times.

Terry McKirchy, 62, accepted a plea deal for the death of Benjamin Dowling, who died at age 35 after a life of severe disabilities caused by a brain hemorrhage he suffered in 1984 when he was five months old while at McKirchy's suburban Fort Lauderdale, Florida, home.

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