Article 6Q5PF I don’t want my funeral to be cringe. So, heroically, I planned my own | Emily Mulligan

I don’t want my funeral to be cringe. So, heroically, I planned my own | Emily Mulligan

Emily Mulligan
from US news | The Guardian on (#6Q5PF)

What if there were geraniums? Yuck

Confronting my own mortality in my 30s, with silky skin and two young kids, was not something I was going to do lightly. And yet, heroically, I wrote my will.

Voluntarily instigating contact with lawyers turned my stomach enough to earn me at least a year of procrastination. Sure, you don't want to unexpectedly die and leave your affairs in a shambles, but nor do you want to spend your precious time on Earth finding a lawyer and talking to them.

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