Article 6Q616 Harris urges America to choose ‘freedom and fairness’ over Trump extremism – as it happened

Harris urges America to choose ‘freedom and fairness’ over Trump extremism – as it happened

Helen Sullivan (now); with Chris Stein in Chicago
from US news | The Guardian on (#6Q616)

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Now comes Pat Ryan, who represents a New York battleground district in the House of Representatives.

He hit out at Donald Trump for his reported insults towards military veterans, then obliquely referenced the newfound optimism Democrats are feeling since Joe Biden ended his bid for a second term:

These last few weeks have felt like a new day in America, when we are waking up, rising up, patriots, to demand a president who does not just treat our veterans with respect, but everyone with respect.

We do not retreat, we are the United States of America, we lead!

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