Article 6Q6BW Anti-immigrant activists draft bill requiring US citizenship proof to vote

Anti-immigrant activists draft bill requiring US citizenship proof to vote

Alice Herman
from US news | The Guardian on (#6Q6BW)

Activists partner with powerful rightwing council Alec to prevent rare instances of illegal non-citizen voting

A coalition of anti-immigrant and election-denying activists called Only Citizens Vote Coalition has joined forces with the powerful rightwing American Legislative Exchange Council (Alec) to draft a model bill requiring citizenship for voting in all public elections".

Non-US citizens are already forbidden from voting in federal elections, and could face felony charges and even deportation if they attempt to do so. All evidence suggests non-citizens rarely attempt to cast a ballot illegally. But as the 2024 general presidential election approaches, a group of Donald Trump allies - among them, Only Citizens Vote Coalition - have joined together to elevate fears of non-citizens voting.

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