Article 6QF9V Tucker Carlson lost his platform but crucially he still has Donald Trump’s ear

Tucker Carlson lost his platform but crucially he still has Donald Trump’s ear

Adam Gabbatt
from US news | The Guardian on (#6QF9V)

Jettisoned by Fox News, the rightwing gadfly has a reduced audience but was still influential in the rise of JD Vance

In spring of last year, Tucker Carlson was on the outs.

The former prime-time host had been booted from the Fox News channel where he had made his name. Ensconced in his remote Maine home, Carlson launched a new show on what was then called Twitter, but as his viewer figures quickly plunged, consensus opinion was that Carlson's position as a news and political tastemaker, someone capable of creating Republican stars and taking down careers, was over.

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