Article 6QFCD Anti-Trump Republican group spends $11.5m in ads in ‘blue wall’ states to boost Harris

Anti-Trump Republican group spends $11.5m in ads in ‘blue wall’ states to boost Harris

Ed Pilkington
from US news | The Guardian on (#6QFCD)

Republican Voters Against Trump is rolling out new advert featuring ex-Trump voters vowing to never again back him

Republican Voters Against Trump, the group of disaffected Republicans devoted to stopping Donald Trump from returning to the White House, is stepping up its efforts with an $11.5m ad buy in critical battleground states.

The group is rolling out a new advert featuring former Trump voters vowing never again to back him. They give a range of reasons for their decision, ranging from Trump's role in instigating the US Capitol insurrection on 6 January 2021, his demeaning of women and his 34 felony convictions.

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