Article 6QGCB The US right keeps accusing Democrats of ‘communism’. What does that even mean? | Jan-Werner Müller

The US right keeps accusing Democrats of ‘communism’. What does that even mean? | Jan-Werner Müller

Jan-Werner Müller
from US news | The Guardian on (#6QGCB)

Conservatives think giving children free lunch at school is socialism, but vast, powerful private monopolies are freedom

The Trump campaign, flanked by an army of online trolls commanded by Elon Musk, has been struggling to settle on an attack line against the Democratic ticket. Of course, a decade or so ago no one would have thought a candidate unable to think of nasty nicknames had a problem; but Donald Trump has made us all ask stupider questions and have stupider thoughts. If in doubt, though - and no matter what any Democrat actually does or says - the Republican party will level the charges of socialism" and communism" against them.

To state the obvious: free lunches - ensuring that poor kids won't go hungry - are not communism. The one time in recent history that the US clearly resembled the Soviet Union - empty shelves and long lines outside shops - was under Trump; to be sure, other countries also had supply chain problems during Covid-19, but the former president proved exceptionally irresponsible and incompetent. But there's another, less obvious similarity with the late Soviet Union in particular: the experience of being at the mercy of bureaucrats. No, not the DMV, but vast private corporations with quasi-monopoly power, something with which Trump's Republican party, unlike the Biden administration, is evidently fine.

Jan-Werner Muller is a professor of politics at Princeton University and a Guardian US columnist

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