Article 6T8T7 Girls With Slingshots - GWS Hair of the Dog #548

Girls With Slingshots - GWS Hair of the Dog #548

from Girls With Slingshots on (#6T8T7)
New comic!

Today's News:

The Horticulturist's Bechdel Test is when a group of women talk about something OTHER than getting into a dude's plants.

Thank you.

Hey, this is the last Hair of the Dog post of the year!! I'll be continuing to draw a daily comic every morning over tea and sharing them on Patreon with all patrons at literally any level, so if you sign up now you'll start getting them on Friday! It's like, $2/month. I think it's 5% off if you buy the whole year upfront. I keep it cheap so I won't feel bad when I write a real dumb comic.

Go sign up for it, if you're into that sort of thing!

Anyway, here's the original post from today's strip, and the chaser post for it!

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