Article 6VD1G Mozilla announces leadership updates and next chapter

Mozilla announces leadership updates and next chapter

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Mark Surman, president of the Mozilla Corporation, has announcedleadership updates for Mozilla. This includes a Mozilla LeadershipCouncil made up of executives from each Mozilla organization, and newboard chairs for the not-for-profit Mozilla Foundation, theMozilla Corporation, and The announcement alsoindicates a desire to further "diversify" Mozilla's focus:

We've recognized that Mozilla faces major headwinds in terms of bothfinancial growth and mission impact. While Firefox remains the core ofwhat we do, we also need to take steps to diversify: investing inprivacy-respecting advertising to grow new revenue in the near term;developing trustworthy, open source AI to ensure technical and productrelevance in the mid term; and creating online fundraising campaignsthat will draw a bigger circle of supporters over the longrun. Mozilla's impact and survival depend on us simultaneouslystrengthening Firefox AND finding new sources of revenue ANDmanifesting our mission in fresh ways. That is why we're working hardon all of these fronts.

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