An Amusing Look at How Camels Physically Evolved to Thrive In the Desert

In a hydrophilic episode of hisTrue Factsseries, narratorZe Frankamusingly explains how camels physically evolved in order to not only survive but thrive in the desert. Frank examines how their hooves, mouths and brains changed to conquer such an unfriendly environment. He also looked at the most famous part of the camel, the humps, which are formed by fatty acids in the food they eat and the water they store.
So we know where they store the food. But what about all the water? I mean, there's not that many places left on these skinny bastards.And then when it goes in, they can drink a lot of it. 100 liters in 10 minutes if they want to. That's a third of their body weight. We would die dead if we drank just 5% of our body weight....But camel blood cells are built different. First off, they're oblong. And unlike our cells, they can expand by 240% and still maintain their shape. So by storing water throughout their body, the camel can go 10 to 14 days without drinking anything.