Friday's security updates
Arch Linux has updated firefox (multiple vulnerabilities) and wesnoth (information leak).
Debian has updated stunnel4(authentication bypass).
Debian-LTS has updated libxml2 (multiple vulnerabilities) and pykerberos (insecure authentication).
Fedora has updated drupal6 (F21; F22:account hijacking)and drupal7 (F21; F22: multiple vulnerabilities).
openSUSE has updated flash-player (11.4).
Oracle has updated firefox (O5; O6; O7: multiple vulnerabilities).
Red Hat has updated firefox(RHEL: multiple vulnerabilities) and openstack-cinder (RHEL OSP: file disclosure).
SUSE has updated MySQL (SLE11 SP3: cipher downgrade attack),ntp (SLE11 SP3: multiple vulnerabilities), and OpenSSL (SLE 10 Client Tools; SUSE Manager 11 SP2, Studio Onsite; SLE 11 SAP; SLE 11 SP1; SLE SM 11 SP3: multiple vulnerabilities).