Security updates for Friday
Arch Linux has updated firefox (information leak) and wordpress (multiple vulnerabilities).
Debian has updated kernel (multiple vulnerabilities).
Debian-LTS has updated openssh(two vulnerabilities) and remind (buffer overflow).
Fedora has updated drupal6-cck (F22; F21:unspecified vulnerability), lighttpd (F22; F21: loginjection), mantis (F22; F21: information disclosure),opensaml-java (F22; F21: missing host name verification),opensaml-java-openws (F22; F21: missing host name verification), and openstack-swift (F22: arbitrary object deletion).
Oracle has updated kernel 3.8.13 (OL7; OL6:information leak), kernel 2.6.39 (OL6; OL5: twovulnerabilities), and kernel 2.6.32 (OL6; OL5: two vulnerabilities).
Ubuntu has updated firefox(15.04, 14.04, 12.04: information leak) and openjdk-6 (12.04: multiple vulnerabilities).