Comment KQRW Re: please,


GRSecurity Linux Kernel patch to end public accessability of stable patches. (The full rundown)


please, (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2015-09-07 17:27 (#KQ3C)

cite some sources for the controversy. Your word vs. a press-release alone holds little value or weight.

Re: please, (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2015-09-07 17:27 (#KQ3D)

its not asking much. due dilligence?

Re: please, (Score: -1, Troll)

by Anonymous Coward on 2015-09-07 23:09 (#KQRW)

Just want this story buried eh?

Go read a case book (3) or a treatise (3) if you want citations on the points of law. I'm not going to teach you it here.
You'll need to study copyright, property, and contract law.

Or you could just ask the grsec folks themselves, they're happy to tell you who the players are.


Time Reason Points Voter
2015-09-11 13:35 Troll -1
2015-09-09 01:31 Troll -1

Junk Status

Marked as [Not Junk] by on 2016-05-06 23:21