Gräßlin: September update for Plasma’s Wayland porting
On his blog, Martin Griilin has posted an update on porting KDE's Plasma desktop to Wayland. There has been progress in various areas, including transient window positioning (which makes menus appear at the right location), Plasma/KWin specific extensions, support for multiple X servers, and support for "KWin in the cloud":"So on Friday I decided to dedicate my development time on a virtual framebuffer backend. This backend (to start use kwin_wayland --xwayland --virtual) doesn't render to any device, but only "simulates" rendering by using a QImage which then isn't used at all. Well not completely true: there is an environment variable to force the backend to store each rendered frame into a temporary directory.Why is such a virtual backend so exiting? Well it means we can run KWin anywhere. We are not bound to any hardware restrictions like screen attached or screen resolution. With other words we can run it on servers - in the cloud. The first such instance runs on our CI [continuous integration] servers in the form of an automated integration test. And in future there will be much more such tests."