The rebellious plaques of Chester, England
Someone has put high-quality signs on park benches in a fancy British town to mock its contemptuous treatment of locals, especially the poor. The signs have been removed, on the grounds that they might be "offensive."
Rebellious plaques have been situated on benches in Chester with the intention of highlighting Cheshire West and Chester Council's 'draconian plans' to introduce a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO).
Two street artists have placed the plaques on benches across Chester city centre 'in good grace' to raise awareness of the plight of homelessness in the city" One of the plaques put up by the artists say: "If you shut your eyes for more than ten seconds whilst on this bench, you may be deemed asleep, and risk facing an ASBO. By Order of Public Space Protection Orders under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014." A more humorous plaque says: "This bench is dedicated to the men who lost the will to live whilst following their partners around the shoe shops of Chester."
The key quote is from a local official, Maria Byrne, who said: "We have removed the plaques from five benches and although they may appear humorous, some people may find them offensive."
But without, of course, specifying who.
Rebellious plaques situated on benches in Chester [The Chester Chronicle via JWZ]