Article RM01 LSN’s Spookyween Scaretacular Livescream

LSN’s Spookyween Scaretacular Livescream

Aaron Lupton
from Will Save World for Gold on (#RM01)

Once every year, as the leaves turn and die, and pumpkins grin wickedly from every porch and window, LoneStarNorth becomes infused with mysterious eldritch energies. His normal drive to entertain and amuse is twisted into a much darker instinct" a desire to spookify! And this year, that desire has turned inward.

On Saturday October 31, also known as Halloween, I will be hosting a special gaming stream wherein I will play SOMA mostly blind. I will start playing at 1 PM EST and will continue to play until such a time as I beat the game or my pants are too full of poop to go on. I invite everyone to join me for as long as you care to. If you are unable to do so, rest assured that the full stream will be uploaded to YouTube eventually.

See you at the stream scream!


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