UK launches massive study of aspirin's cancer-fighting ability
The UK's NHS's National Institute for Health Research announced it will embark on a 12-year study involving 11,000 patients to study the effects of aspirin on different types of cancer.
From Motherboard:
It's not the first time scientists have looked into whether aspirin could help stave off cancer. One 2012 study that found that a daily low-dose aspirin lowered the risk of developing common lung, prostate, and colon cancers by an average of 46 percent. In 2014, another study published in the Annals of Oncology confirmed that aspirin "protects most strongly" against bowel, stomach, and oesophageal cancers, and also more weakly against lung, prostate, and breast cancers. The study found that aspirin prevented fewer deaths from both cancer and heart attacks in a population tghat took aspirin every day. And just this week, a study found that aspirin could help women with a particular inflammatory condition increase their chances of getting pregnant by 17 percent.