TPP: Full text of secret treaty revealed
Courtesy of governments around the world, from the White House to New Zealand's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
With 30 chapters and more than 2000 pages, it'll be a long weekend read.
Quick highlights dug out by first responders on Twitter and Reddit: Copyright is lifetime plus 75 years; Internet service providers must give your name if requested by copyright holders; ISPs must remove material upon receipt of a copyright claim; and you can't sue if the claim was bogus.
The Hill on what comes next:
The release of the text will probably be followed by an "intent to sign" message to Congress from President Obama, meaning there will be 90 days before he can sign the deal, a rule that is part of the trade promotion authority (TPA) or "fast-track" legislation signed into law this summer.
After that, the White House will send implementing language to Capitol Hill, starting the clock for the Senate Finance and House Ways and Means committees to begin their process of moving the TPP through their panels and to their respective floors for a final up-and-down vote.