Pipe SZHM Street CCTV showing truth in West Bank

Street CCTV showing truth in West Bank

Anonymous Coward
in security on (#SZHM)
Who is right? What happened? Both sides say the other started it. CCTV is proving to be a liability for liers in the West Bank. With people reportedly being stabbed and killed it can be hard to say what the truth is. Months ago videos were posted showing soldiers "attacking" people. Followup videos showed those people baiting the soldiers repeatedly before being arrested for assault. Now we have video showing people attacking security personell with knives. CCTV. Not a defence against crime, just another tool to show the truth of a situation.

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Why (Score: 0)

by Anonymous Coward on 2015-11-08 22:39 (#SZHY)

A week ago I was reading about how Palestinian's were being unnecessarily being killed when they attacked soldiers and police. The key part about this was the weight given to how deadly the response was. I do not justify taking a person's life without very very good reasons. This video is the first I have seen which shows what is actually happening. Technology showing the truth of a single encounter. I used to be against all of the CCTV put up around cities. Now I support it.