Security advisories for Monday
Debian-LTS has updated imagemagick (denial of service), libsndfile (multiple vulnerabilities), libxml2 (multiple vulnerabilities), and nss (code execution).
Fedora has updated abrt (F23: twovulnerabilities), mingw-libpng (F23;F22; F21:denial of service), python-pycurl (F22:use-after-free vulnerability), and seamonkey (F21: multiple vulnerabilities).
Mageia has updated lightdm (denial of service), python-cryptography (denial of service), and thunderbird (multiple vulnerabilities).
openSUSE has updated cyrus-imapd(Leap42.1, 13.2: two vulnerabilities), ffmpeg (Leap42.1: multiple vulnerabilities),GnuPG (13.2, 13.1: two vulnerabilities), libksba (Leap42.1: denial of service), libpng12 (Leap42.1: two vulnerabilities), libpng16 (Leap42.1: denial of service), libsndfile (Leap42.1: multiplevulnerabilities), ppp (Leap42.1, 13.2,13.1: denial of service), and virtualbox(13.1: two vulnerabilities).
Oracle has updated kernel 3.8.13 (OL7; OL6: multiple vulnerabilities) and thunderbird (OL7; OL6: multiple vulnerabilities).
Scientific Linux has updated thunderbird (SL5,6,7: multiple vulnerabilities).