Pipe WWD6 Paypal caught out charging for currency conversion based on location

Paypal caught out charging for currency conversion based on location

Anonymous Coward
in legal on (#WWD6)
With a recent change to the ebay and paypal websites it is no longer possible to select the currency to purchase an item. Instead, paypal will convert a purchase into the current of a user based on their address. When a person outside of the US who purchases an item from ebay which is listed in US dollars using a US dollar credit card they will be charged extra when paypal, via ebay, converts the item cost from USD to their local country. This is yet another UX failure by ebay with the latest site upgrade: removing the choice from a user the option to select which currency to charge their account and automatically charging them with a currency conversion fee. Always check that the amount charged by ebay is the amount charged to your credit card.
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