Wednesday's security advisories
Debian-LTS has updated mono (codeexecution from 2009).
Fedora has updated arts (F23:privilege escalation), kdelibs3 (F23:privilege escalation), mono (F23: codeexecution from 2009), and ruby (F23: two vulnerabilities).
Gentoo has updated clamav(multiple vulnerabilities), encfs (multiplevulnerabilities), firebird (code executionfrom 2013), firefox (many vulnerabilities),gstreamer (code execution), and mpfr (code execution).
openSUSE has updated flash-player(13.2, 13.1: multiple vulnerabilities).
SUSE has updated flash-player (SLE12-SP1; SLE11-SP3,4: multiple vulnerabilities) and grub2 (SLE12: code execution).