New Year's Eve security updates
Debian-LTS has updated cacti(regression in previous security fix).
Fedora has updated arts (F22:privilege escalation), claws-mail (F23:code execution), cups-filters (F22: codeexecution), kdelibs3 (F22: privilegeescalation), libpng10 (F22: readunderflow), php-horde-Horde-Core (F22:cross-site scripting), php-horde-Horde-Perms (F22: cross-sitescripting), php-horde-Horde-Service-Weather(F22: cross-site scripting), phpmyadmin (F23; F22:installation path disclosure), and python-django (F22: information leak).
Gentoo has updated inspircd(three largely unspecified vulnerabilities, one from 2012) and systemsettings (privilege escalation).
openSUSE has updated flash-player(11.4: many vulnerabilities).