Write the saddest story you can using only 4 words
On February 1, Amy Rios tweeted: "Write the saddest story you can using only 4 words." Since then, the replies have poured in, and they are excellent. Most of them are darkly humorous or sarcastic, instead of just sad.
@TheAmyRios "Ladies and gentlemen, Nickelback!"
- Rachel Bachman (@Bachscore) February 4, 2016
I didn't pull out. "@TheAmyRios:Write the saddest story you can using only 4 words"
- Chester Cheata (@CapoFrankLucas) February 4, 2016
@itsmcdermott That's unacceptable! We'll get Netflix working for you, Hannah! What device is it on? What happens when you try streaming? *JF
- Netflix CS (@Netflixhelps) February 4, 2016
@TheAmyRios Taco Bell is closed
- BigMcLrgHuge (@BigMcLrgHuge) February 3, 2016
@BigMcLrgHuge @TheAmyRios Mom got a tattoo.
- Ryan Dotson (@ryandotson) February 5, 2016
@TheAmyRios Dingoes ate my baby.
- Nicolette Barischoff (@NBarischoff) February 3, 2016
@TheAmyRios "please clap," he pleaded
- Mr Internet (@decktonic) February 5, 2016
The last story refers to this recent Jeb speech, where he implored the silent audience to applaud:https://youtu.be/DdCYMvaUcrA