Parents rent drug-sniffing dogs to search teens' bedrooms
"Parents hire K9 teams to search teens' rooms"Davis, who has tactical training in the detection of drugs, firearms and bombs, said the majority of his work has been focused on bigger contracts, including searches of businesses and other private contracts he said he's not at liberty to discuss.
But he said he's motivated to aid parents, adding a personal touch and pep talk because of his own experiences. He said had a tough upbringing in Louisville, experimented with marijuana and saw some of his friends progress to harder drugs. He was inspired to fight addiction in his own way after an addict seeking money in 2005 attacked his pregnant fiancee, causing her to lose the baby.
"We want to take drugs off the streets," Davis said of his team, which includes other dog handlers with military backgrounds.
"What we do is help the family fix the issue," he said. "We're not the police."