Security updates for Thursday
CentOS has updated bind (C5; C6; C7: two vulnerabilities), bind97 (C5: two vulnerabilities), kernel (C5: two vulnerabilities, one from2013), and thunderbird (C5; C6; C7:multiple vulnerabilities).
Mageia has updated dropbear(information disclosure), nss (codeexecution), putty (code execution), shotwell (multiple vulnerabilities), and thunderbird (multiple vulnerabilities).
openSUSE has updated bsh2 (42.1:code execution), cgit (42.1, 13.2: two codeexecution flaws), git (42.1, 13.2: two codeexecution flaws), graphite2 (13.2: multiplevulnerabilities), and rubygem-actionview-4_2 (42.1: code execution).
Oracle has updated bind (OL5; OL6; OL7: two vulnerabilities), bind97 (OL5: two vulnerabilities), kernel (OL5: two vulnerabilities, one from2013), and thunderbird (OL6; OL7: multiple vulnerabilities).
Red Hat has updated bind (twovulnerabilities), bind97 (RHEL5: twovulnerabilities), and thunderbird (multiplevulnerabilities).
Scientific Linux has updated bind(two vulnerabilities) and thunderbird(multiple vulnerabilities).
SUSE has updated git (SLE11SP4; SLE12SP1: two code execution flaws).
Ubuntu has updated pam(regression in earlier security update).