Friday's security advisories
Debian has updated cgit (threevulnerabilities), optipng (code execution),and python-django (two vulnerabilities).
Fedora has updated libmaxminddb (F23; F22:multiple vulnerabilities), mercurial (F23; F22:three vulnerabilities), and python-rsa(F22: unspecified).
Mageia has updated flash-player-plugin (multiple vulnerabilities).
openSUSE has updated clamav-database (Leap42.1: database refresh),flash-player (13.2: code execution), and java-1_8_0-openjdk (13.2: sandbox bypass).
Red Hat has updated flash-plugin(RHEL5,6: multiple vulnerabilities).
SUSE has updated flash-player(SLE12-SP1: code execution).
Ubuntu has updated firefox(regression in previous update).