Oculus App version 1.4 breaks the Revive patch

Oculus updated its Rift desktop software to version 1.4 this week. The update itself doesn't sound like that big a deal on its face. The VR headset maker says this point release contains improvements for the Rift's performance, stability, and sensor tracking, as well as the usual bug fixes and some localization improvements. However, some HTC Vive owners have discovered that this update breaks compatibility with the Revive patch, a third-party software tool that allowed users of HTC's headset to play titles that were otherwise exclusive to the Oculus store.
Revive's developer confirmed that the patch no longer works with the latest version of Oculus' software in a post on Reddit . The new version of the software apparently makes sure that an Oculus headset is connected to the host PC by way of the Oculus ...