Security updates for Tuesday
Fedora has updated nfdump (F23; F22:multiple vulnerabilities) and webkitgtk4(F22: two vulnerabilities).
openSUSE has updated ctdb(Leap42.1, 13.2: privilege escalation), libtorrent-rasterbar (Leap42.1, 13.2: denialof service), ntp (Leap42.1: multiplevulnerabilities), and kernel (Leap42.1: multiple vulnerabilities).
Red Hat has updated chromium-browser (RHEL6: multiple vulnerabilities).
Slackware has updated libarchive (multiple vulnerabilities) and pcre (denial of service).
SUSE has updated ctdb (SLE11-SP4:privilege escalation), libimobiledevice,usbmuxd (SLE12-SP1: sockets listening on INADDR_ANY), and php53 (SLES11-SP2: multiple vulnerabilities).
Ubuntu has updated dnsmasq(16.04, 15.10: denial of service), expat(two vulnerabilities), haproxy (16.04:denial of service), spice (16.04, 15.10,14.04: two vulnerabilities), wget (codeexecution), and xmlrpc-c (12.04: multiple vulnerabilities).