Security updates for Tuesday
Arch Linux has updated shutter (code execution).
Debian-LTS has updated sudo (privilege escalation).
Fedora has updated libgit2 (F24:unspecified), memcached (F24; F23: code execution), python-django (F24: two vulnerabilities), and tre (F24; F23: code execution).
Gentoo has updated libpng(multiple vulnerabilities), polkit(privilege escalation), tnftp (commandexecution from 2014), xen (multiplevulnerabilities), and xinetd (privilegeescalation from 2013).
openSUSE has updated Chromium (SPH for SLE12; Leap42.2, Leap42.1, 13.2: multiple vulnerabilities).
Oracle has updated policycoreutils (OL7; OL6: sandbox escape).
Red Hat has updated chromium-browser (RHEL6: multiplevulnerabilities), qemu-kvm-rhev (RHELOSP7 for RHEL7; RHELOSP6 for RHEL7; RHELOSP5 for RHEL7: denial ofservice), rh-mysql56-mysql (RHSCL: multiplevulnerabilities), and rh-php56 (RHSCL: multiple vulnerabilities).