The Daily Lego project finds the whimsy in everyday objects
Last year Polish graphic designer MichaA Kulesza completed not one, but two daily Lego projects. For the first half of the project, he spend 135 days photographing everyday objects transformed into Legos. Kulesza writes, "[In the project] simple everyday objects are connected (or totally inverted) into Lego bricks. In this way I created different grotesque or even absurd daily situations. I took photos in minimal composition and every time I showed new ideas. In my work I just wanted to make people smile."
For the second half of the project, Kulesza was accidentally "transformed" into a Lego figure and photographed himself in everyday situations.

In the end, Kulesza ended up with 240 images. You can read more about the project here and here. And you can see the full collection of Daily Lego photos and LegomanDaily photos.