Security updates for Wednesday
Debian has updated icedove (multiple vulnerabilities).
Debian-LTS has updated tomcat7 (information disclosure).
Gentoo has updated bind (denialof service), botan (two vulnerabilities),c-ares (code execution), dbus (denial of service), expat (multiple vulnerabilities, one from2012), flex (code execution), nginx (privilege escalation), ntfs3g (privilege escalation from 2015), p7zip (two code execution flaws), pgbouncer (two vulnerabilities), phpBB (two vulnerabilities), phpmyadmin (multiple vulnerabilities), vim (code execution), and vzctl (insecure ploop-based containers from 2015).
openSUSE has updated jasper(42.2, 42.1: multiple vulnerabilities).
Oracle has updated kernel (OL6: three vulnerabilities).
Red Hat has updated flash-plugin(RHEL6: multiple vulnerabilities), kernel(RHEL6.7: code execution), and kernel(RHEL6: three vulnerabilities).
SUSE has updated freeradius-server (SLE12-SP1,2: insufficientcertificate verification) and LibVNCServer(SLE11-SP4: two vulnerabilities).
Ubuntu has updated kernel (16.10; 16.04;14.04; 12.04: multiple vulnerabilities), linux-lts-trusty (12.04: multiplevulnerabilities), linux-lts-xenial (14.04:three vulnerabilities), linux-raspi2 (16.10; 16.04:two vulnerabilities), linux-snapdragon(16.04: two vulnerabilities), linux-ti-omap4 (12.04: two vulnerabilities),and webkit2gtk (16.04: multiple vulnerabilities).