should do more to protect users’ details | Letters
MPs are not the only ones concerned about information being published that can identify where they live (MPs say watchdog risks identifying addresses, 11 February). Many people across the UK have been using the useful community messaging site, Streetlife. Now, with very little warning, users are being told they need to transfer to the US community messaging site, to which Streetlife has recently been sold. There is widespread concern that Nextdoor, unlike Streetlife, publishes not only people's names and their street but also their house number. It is possible to delete the house number if you go to their website but this company should not be compromising users' security in such a way in the first place. Some locals have already unsubscribed; others are thinking of so doing. It remains to be seen whether NextDoor will respond positively to people's concerns.
Dr Sylvia Dunkley
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