The month in games: wraiths, ninjas and the savagely addictive Nioh
The final column in our series sorts March's console wheat from the chaff, with nods to Sniper Elite 4 and The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild
Related: Nioh review - samurai adventure much more than a Dark Souls clone
In the heady days of youth, once your homework was finished and you'd done your chores, it felt as though you could sit and play video games without a care in the world. The older you are, of course, the further away from this halcyon innocence you get. First studying for exams, then work and eventually family conspire to turn snatched moments joyously wasted in a game into a sordid, slightly guilty pleasure. It's a sense of shame that gets worse the longer you spend, which makes vast, savagely addictive games such as Nioh (PS4) such a rich source of potential remorse.
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