Thunderbird to stay with Mozilla — sort of
The Thunderbird email client project has announcedthe results of its long deliberation on its future. The project willremain with Mozilla administratively, but will move to its owninfrastructure. "Thus, much has changed since 2015 - we were able toestablish a financial home at the Mozilla Foundation, we are successfullycollecting donations from our users, and the first steps of migratinginfrastructure have been taken. We started questioning the usefulness ofmoving elsewhere, organizationally. While Mozilla wants to be laser-focusedon the success of Firefox, in recent discussions it was clear that theycontinue to have a strong desire to see Thunderbird succeed. In many ways,there is more need for independent and secure email than ever. As long asThunderbird doesn't slow down the progress of Firefox, there seems to be nosignificant obstacles for continued co-existence."