How Trump Thinks review – why Trump and Twitter are a perfect couple
In the midst of the recent maelstrom surrounding the firing of FBI director James Comey, Donald Trump found time to get on Twitter and troll one of his long-time foes, comedian Rosie O'Donnell. Retweeting a 2016 post of hers that called for Comey to be fired, Trump declared: "We finally agree on something Rosie." One had to imagine that little Trump did during that week gave him such a sense of mastery and control.
Peter Oborne and Tom Roberts have anthologised and annotated Trump's tweets, starting with his very first, in May 2009, and extending to March of this year, when the book went to press. Trump now occupies what arguably is - or was - the most important political position in the west. And yet his public contradictions and inchoate statements have made it hard to know what is really going on in his head. All his books have been ghostwritten. Twitter is one of the few places we can look for evidence of Trump's own voice.
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