Color theory questions
Here's a script I wanted to write: given a color c specified in RGB and an angle I, rotate c on the color wheel by I and return the RGB value of the result.
You can't rotate RGB values per se, but you can rotate hues. So my initial idea was to convert RGB to HSV or HSL, rotate the H component, then convert back to RGB. There are some subtleties with converting between RGB and either HSV or HSL, but I'm willing to ignore those for now.
The problem I ran into was that my idea of a color wheel doesn't match the HSV or HSL color wheels. For example, I'm thinking of green as the complementary color to red, the color 180 away. On the HSV and HSL color wheels, the complementary color to red is cyan. The color wheel I have in mind is the "artist's color wheel" based on the RYB color space, not RGB. Subtractive color, not additive.
This brings up several questions.
- How do you convert back and forth between RYB and RGB?
- How do you describe the artist's color wheel mathematically, in RYB or any other system?
- What is a good reference on color theory? I'd like to understand in detail how the various color systems relate, something that spans the gamut (pun intended) from an artist's perspective down to physics and physiology.