Learn a foreign language and other useful professional skills with Cudoo
You can get two years of access to this one-stop-shop for all things professional development from the Boing Boing store for over 90% off the regular price.
Cudoo features extensive video resources for over 160 languages, all of which are structured around the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) - perfect for anyone looking to learn a new language (or become multilingual as fast as possible) for business or fun. You can brush up on workplace skills like body language recognition, or prepare for a new job with an expert business writing course. Cudoo also has an extensive library of technology resources, from basic office training to advanced lessons in database design and management.
Unlike other course libraries, Cudoo provides access to new content as it becomes available, so you can learn as much as you want. A 2-year subscription to the Cudoo Online Language & Professional Development Library is just $29 if you order it here.