Gospell GR-216 DRM receiver price and availability
Many thanks to SWLing Post contributor, Sandipan Basu Mallick, who writes:
In reference to the post about the review of Gospell GR-216 DRM Receiver, [I enquired] about availability and price.
Received response within few hours.
Yes, Gospell is now shipping the GR-216 DRM Receiver.
They are selling it directly. Not available via online shopping portals.
Most importantly Price $200 + Intl. Shipping (FedEx/DHL) $100 = $300
Payment via PayPal.
Anyone interested can contact Mr Jerry Luoy
GOSPELL Digital Technology Co., Ltd.
Mob/Whatsapp: +86-136 7909 3866
Skype: luo-jerry;
Wechat: luo-yunjun
Email: luoyj@gospell.com
http://www.gospell.comAttaching product brochure, mail and product snaps as received from Gospell.
[Click here to download product brochure (PDF).]
Appreciate if the information can shared over your blog for the benefit of the radio enthusiast.
Warm Regards,
Sandipan Basu Mallick.
DXer, Radio Enthusiast from India.
Many thanks, Sandipan, for sharing this info!