GnuTLS 3.6.0 released
Version 3.6.0 of the GnuTls TLS library is out. For details on thisrelease, see this overview."In short, this release introduces a new lock-free random generatorand adds new TLS extensions shared by both TLS 1.2 and 1.3, such as FiniteField Diffie Hellman negotiation, Ed25519 and RSA-PSS signatures. Theseadditions modernize the current TLS 1.2 support and pave the way for TLS1.3 support in the library. Furthermore, tlsfuzzer is introduced in ourcontinuous integration test suite. Tlsfuzzer, is a meticulous TLS testsuite, which tests the behavior of the implementation on various corner(and not) cases, and acts complementary to the internal GnuTLS test suiteand its unit testing."