Comic for Monday, October 9th
Unfortunately this unhappy page comes with some bad news - there will be no update on Thursday this week. I'm going to take the day off and try to get the page back to buffered and take a bit of a break.
With this being the end of Chapter, it seemed like a good point to take a pause, catch breath, and deal with some stuff, been a bit busy with things, my last weekend was lost to some unrelated to comic stuff, and not feeling great.
I'll put up something as far as bonus art, etc. Maybe a Minus Years page for Patreons. Something and somethings. Probably the first few costumes - if you got more suggestions, feel free to add them to the list. Got a good few so far, but more the merrier.
Anyway, I'll be around in comments and we'll back back next chapter next week (all things considered, not too long a wait )