The 4.14 kernel has been released
The 4.14 kernel has been released after aten-week development cycle.Some of the most prominent features in this release includethe ORC unwinder for more reliabletracebacks and live patching,the long-awaited thread mode for controlgroups,support for AMD's secure memoryencryption,five-level page table support,a new zero-copy networking feature,the heterogeneous memory managementsubsystem,and more.See the Kernel Newbies 4.14page for more information.In the end, nearly 13,500 changesets were merged for 4.14, which is slatedto be the next long-term-support kernel.
For the maintainers out there, it's worth noting Linus's warning that the4.15 merge window might be rather shorter than usual due to the USThanksgiving Holiday.