An Out of This World Backyard UFO Chicken Coop
Brett Wilson and Ellen DeAngelis of BackYard Chickens built an out of this world UFO chicken coop spaceship from two old aluminum satellite dishes that were stacked on top of each other. They beefed up the coop with insulation to fight off the Idaho winters, a waterproof barrier, and reflective paint to help push the sunlight away and keep the chickens nice and cool during the hot summer days.
UPDATE December 2017 - Idaho winters, tiny serama's, and a coop that is off the ground necessitates some added heat. We have installed two 250w ceramic heat emitters controlled by a RaspberryPi running the PrivateEyePi project. This allows us to monitor and control the temperature of our coop from the web. We mounted the heat emitter housings using angle aluminum so we wouldn't be relying on the weak clamps. To keep the birds off or in case a fixture falls, we put a chicken wire cage over them sort of like a blanket. (read more)
images via BackYard Chickens
via Technabob