'Overnight, everything I loved was gone': the internet shaming of Lindsey Stone
When a friend posted a photograph of charity worker Lindsey Stone on Facebook, she never dreamed she would lose her job and her reputation. Two years on, could she get her life back?
In early January 2012, I noticed that another Jon Ronson had started posting on Twitter. His photograph was a photograph of my face. His Twitter name was @jon_ronson. His most recent tweet read: "Going home. Gotta get the recipe for a huge plate of guarana and mussel in a bap with mayonnaise :D #yummy."
"Who are you?" I tweeted him.
Someone called @jon_ronson was tweeting 20 times a day about his whirlwind of social engagements, soiri(C)es and friends
Michael got sign-ups from people saying, 'At 17 I was a Nazi. The internet still thinks I'm a Nazi'
Lindsey incurred the internet's wrath because she was outspoken. Now she was reducing herself to cats and chart music
Not cool. Jokes about forking repo's in a sexual way and "big" dongles. Right behind me #pycon pic.twitter.com/Hv1bkeOsYP
'He's a white male,' Adria said. 'I'm a black Jewish female. He said things that could be inferred as offensive to me'
Lindsey hadn't Googled herself for 11 months. Ex-army people were wondering where she was - 'not in a good way'
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