Memo to TSB: try turning it off and on again | Brief letters
It was good to see the difficult topic of population being presented so clearly (The briefing, 23 April), when it is so often avoided. Not only is Trump's global gag rule reducing access to contraception worldwide, but the UK government's cuts to local authorities are causing closures and reductions in service for many family planning and sexual health services in England and Wales. It is difficult to think of anything more profligate than cutting something that saves so much money further down the line, eg in avoiding abortions and infectious diseases.
Helen Haran
St Albans, Hertfordshire
" As a recently retired exam invigilator I welcome the introduction of digital wall clocks in schools, at least in exam halls (Editorial, 26 April). Trying to ensure that an exam finished at the exact moment a second hand reached 10.49, while trying to allow for the different heights of the invigilators, sunshine hitting the clock face and so on, was a real headache. How we longed for a digital clock that nobody could argue with.
Jean Austin
Crawley, West Sussex