Article 4015V Friday: SNG hosts evening presentation about Dutch cycling culture

Friday: SNG hosts evening presentation about Dutch cycling culture

Tom Fucoloro
from on (#4015V)

CyclingCityEventPostercompressed-330x434"" but Seattle isn't Amsterdam."

You've probably heard this argument at some point as an excuse for why your town shouldn't even try to build quality bike infrastructure. But half a century ago, death in traffic was rampant in the Netherlands just like the United States. Now they are among the safest in the world. How did they do it?

Well, there is a lot to unpack in that question, which is why Seattle Neighborhood Greenways is hosting Vancouver's Melissa and Chris Bruntlett Friday evening for a presentation and discussion called "Building the Cycling City: Dutch Lessons for Seattle" (Seattle Bike Blog is a sponsor). Tickets are sliding scale and benefit Seattle Neighborhood Greenways. Buy them online.

If you can't make the Friday event, you can catch Melissa and Chris Saturday morning during Bainbridge Island's Open Streets Festival (stay tuned for more on that).

More details from SNG:

Building the Cycling City: Dutch Lessons for Seattle
An evening with Melissa & Chris Bruntlett

Please join us for a very special keynote presentation and community panel:

Friday, October 5, 2018, 5:00 - 7:00 pm
Impact Hub Seattle
220 2nd Ave S, Main Event Space (1st floor, ADA accessible, bike storage available)


Tickets are sliding scale, $5 - $100, and on sale now:

Proceeds benefit nonprofit Seattle Neighborhood Greenways. Please consider a solidarity ticket of $10 or more to support Seattle Neighborhood Greenways' critically needed work in support of safe and healthy streets citywide.

No one will be turned away for lack of funds.


Around the world, countries marvel at Dutch cycling culture and infrastructure while an unfortunate "that would never work here" attitude prevents real change from happening in most U.S. cities, including our own. But the Dutch overcame many of the same challenges as other car-clogged cities like Seattle, and their story is an important model for moving us toward a more human-scale, bike-friendly future.

Join Melissa and Chris Bruntlett for a fun, visual, and interactive discussion. They'll share the triumphs and challenges of the Dutch cycling story, show how some of the ideas are already being adopted in global cities, and draw out concrete lessons for Seattle to follow their lead.

Following the Bruntletts' inspiring, photo-rich presentation of what other cities are doing, a lively, solution-focused panel will bring the ideas home to Seattle and ask, "What will it really take to get there?"

The event is scheduled for Friday, October 5th, 5:00-7:00pm at the main event space in Impact Hub Seattle. Thanks to our amazing food and beverage sponsors, we'll have fantastic beer from Peddler Brewing, fine wine from Eleven Winery, substantive appetizers, delicious coffee & desserts from Convoy Coffee, and time for socializing!

Event webpage:

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