Continued fraction cryptography
Every rational number can be expanded into a continued fraction with positive integer coefficients. And the process can be reversed: given a sequence of positive integers, you can make them the coefficients in a continued fraction and reduce it to a simple fraction.
In 1954, Arthur Porges published a one-page article pointing out that continued fractions could be used to create a cipher. To encrypt your cleartext, convert it to a list of integers, use them as continued fraction coefficients, and report the resulting fraction. To decrypt, expand the fraction into a continued fraction and convert the coefficients back to text.
We can implement this in Mathematica as follows:
encode[text_] := FromContinuedFraction[ ToCharacterCode[ text ]]decode[frac_] := FromCharacterCode[ ContinuedFraction[ frac ]]
So, for example, suppose we want to encrypt "adobe." If we convert each letter to its ASCII code we get {97, 100, 111, 98, 101}. When we make these numbers coefficients in a continued fraction we get
which reduces to 10661292093 / 109898899.
This isn't a secure encryption scheme by any means, but it's a cute one. It's more of an encoding scheme, a (non-secret) way to convert a string of numbers into a pair of numbers.
Related posts[1] Arthur Porges. A Continued Fraction Cipher. The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 59, No. 4 (Apr., 1952), p. 236