Michael Flynn asks to be spared from prison because he helped Mueller

Ret. Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn is asking for no prison time.
A memo from the former Trump national security chief's legal defense team was filed tonight, just before his scheduled sentencing.
They're asking a federal judge to spare Flynn from prison time, Flynn offers to do 200 hours of community service, and they want less than a year's worth of probation with minimal supervision, all in response to the government's sentencing memo.
In the memo (courtesy of CNN) Flynn says his cooperation with special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation "was not grudging or delayed.
"Rather, it preceded his guilty plea or any threatened indictment and began very shortly after he was first contacted for assistance by the Special Counsel's Office," wrote his team.
We know from other recent court filings that Flynn met with federal investigators 19 times, and spoke to them for more than 62 hours.
The court filing was made available on Tuesday night, and includes references from multiple retired military officials, including General Jack Keane.
Interesting color here about Flynn's January 24, 2017 interview with Peter Strzok and another FBI agent to discuss his communications with Russians. "One of the agents reported that General Flynn was 'unguarded' during the interview and 'clearly saw the FBI agents as allies.'" pic.twitter.com/D2h0GFrt6Z
- Natasha Bertrand (@NatashaBertrand) December 12, 2018
Flynn files his sentencing memo, asking for probation and not jail time: https://t.co/4y7RiDTDQl / Last week, Mueller already said that his office was OK with no jail time: https://t.co/QKwqqIHntZ pic.twitter.com/orj7wpMt5n
- Chris Geidner (@chrisgeidner) December 12, 2018
This Flynn sentencing memo spends page after page reminding the court of what a model soldier he once was.
Of course, that only highlights the contrast.
- Noah Shachtman (@NoahShachtman) December 12, 2018
1/ Michael Flynn filed his sentencing memorandum tonight. The memo itself is only 13 pages long, and it mostly says what I would expect--that Flynn has served his country admirably and that Mueller was correct to recommend no prison time. The other 165 pages are exhibits. https://t.co/r4WpkFaG6s
- Renato Mariotti (@renato_mariotti) December 12, 2018
2/ You may be most interested in Flynn's description of his cooperation. He spent over 62 hours speaking with Mueller's team, and produced documents on several occasions totaling thousands of pages.
There can be little doubt, after Mueller's filing, that he helped Mueller.
- Renato Mariotti (@renato_mariotti) December 12, 2018
Flynn says he accepts responsibility for lying to the FBI but never addresses why he lied. Also, notes that some FBI officials were under investigation for unrelated misconduct to suggest he deserves credit for continuing to cooperate >> pic.twitter.com/JYZkIUpoYR
- Kyle Cheney (@kyledcheney) December 12, 2018
Flynn's lawyers say he wasn't warned by the FBI agents that lying to them is a crime, as if that is somehow exculpatory.
- Ken Dilanian (@KenDilanianNBC) December 12, 2018
Really interesting parts of the Flynn memo where he relates the backstory of his West Wing FBI interview pic.twitter.com/VToFmC1MZK
- Chad Day (@ChadSDay) December 12, 2018
'What they are doing in this filing is saying hey, the FBI agents who came and interviewed Mike Flynn, those are the bad guys here.' #Maddow
- Keva (kay-va) (@Synergy3k) December 12, 2018
Court docs: Michael Flynn turned over "sweeping categories" of documents, electronics before plea deal https://t.co/zzGGq06Avu
- The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) December 12, 2018